Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Could Die At 50

  I often hear people go on about living to be 100 years old. I can see myself dying by age 50. I have written many short stories that are available on the internet. I am in the process of printing out paper versions just to cover my bases. I have put out at least 700 video classes watched by thousands of people, and as long as You Tube exists my videos will go on with or without me. If the masses of my community appreciated my work, and wanted to think, I would long for old age. My people hate thinking and find my brand of scholarship odd. I have created a body of work that is beneficial to anyone willing to engage with it. I am quite happy leaving it behind because to live too many years in a world that is out of place with my consciousness is exausting and bores me. - http://mtypencenter.com