Thursday, January 2, 2014

IN 2014

In the year 2014 I am going to continue to expand my field of consciousness. That is what I am doing every moment. I have reorganized the Freedman School in order to provide new lessons every week. I offer reviews of music, movies, and books with purpose of encouraging others to engage with these works for themselves. I also offer lessons questioning such concepts as democracy and social events like inner city shootings. My internet library has been organized for use for about a year and will grow if it receives the proper support. In 2014 I will continue to share my ideas in my multimedia blog. I wrote a lot of short stories in 2013 and will continue to write in 2014. I started a new series called planet. I also started a philosophical series called Mind. I will build upon my body of work in 2014. Maybe I will move from starving artist to an artist who can feed himself. All I can control is what I produce. The support these productions get is out of my hands.