Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Study James Baldwin

You should study James Baldwin. James Baldwin was one of our great writers and his books should be studied. If  you do not read well you should listen to his speeches and lectures. Baldwin tells us why little dark boys struggle in this society. Baldwin exposes how the ethnic and political groups in power are driving the society deeper into a pit of despair. Baldwin gives solutions to problems that the communities on the bottom suffer from. Baldwin was at his height in the 1960's, but most of what he said is still useful today. Not much has changed for dark people since the days we were enslaved. We have had a few eras when we took our lives into our own hands. The last 40 years have been dead for any kind of consciousness in our daily living. In the past our masters gave us the basics, but now those masters are dumping us from the plantations. You had better study more so that you can build something for yourselves. James Baldwin is a good person to study in order to improve your mind. If you improve your mind you will improve your physical conditions.