Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cooning Will Not Help You

Cooning toward your masters will no longer help you. Cooning is the act of kissing the boots of a person in power literally as well as figuratively. Coons laugh at the masters jokes when they are not funny. They also agree with their masters even when those masters are wrong. Sometimes these decisions cause great suffering to others, including the coon, but the coon does not care, they agree with their masters anyway. Technology has made the coon expendable. Computers and machines are performing more functions. The masters no longer need as many people to produce. You coons will be the first to go since you serve no real purpose other than making masters feel good. Artificial intelligence is at such a level that computers can engage with masters in a beneficial way. Coons can return to their communities if they go before their masters put them out of the big houses. It is going to be difficult for you if you are from a community that is not forgiving.