Monday, December 2, 2013


The knockout game is a game where a group of young men will coax one member to punch an unsuspecting person to see if they can knock that person out with one punch. This game is played mostly by young men of color. I do not know where the game originated, but it is popular now. It does not matter who introduced the game to our fractured community, our young people are insane enough to play. The knock out game lays the last lambs out for slaughter. Now anyone can kill a group of young men and say I was afraid that they were going to try to knock me out. Maybe young men in this community want to die. Maybe we are too ancient of a people to continue to exist here. Maybe we are old souls driven mad by our imprisonment in third dimension. Sometimes when you are exhausted you give up and our young men have given up on humanity with games like The Knockout Game.