Monday, January 20, 2014

Recognizing A Holocaust

It is important that we all recognize a holocaust because we could find ourselves suffering through one. First your group is isolated and all of the negatives about you are highlighted. Next you are moved into certain locations. Members of your group will disappear during this move. Large numbers of your group are murdered. These murders are always justified by those murdering you and ignored by other groups. Those who are not murdered are experimented on or forced into labor as slaves to feed the larger society’s appetites. If any of this sounds familiar to you and is a part of your daily life you are in the middle of a holocaust. If your group is suffering from the holocaust you must remove your self from the system of the larger society as soon as possible. Once those carrying out the holocaust knock on your door, you will be brutalized. If you are watching a holocaust from the outside you have to decide whether you are going to stand against it to protect your soul or do nothing and become a lesser being.