Monday, January 13, 2014

Review of Making of the Whiteman by Paul Lawrence Guthrie

When you hear the title Making of The Whiteman by Paul Lawrence Guthrie you may think that it is a prejudiced work against white people, but the book put more responsibility on the colored peoples on this planet. Dark peoples out number light peoples 11 to 1. Such a small number of people could not rule over such a large number of people unless the larger group allowed it. We allow small numbers of people to dominate us all the time. In the United States the 99% should not blame the 1% for the ills of the nation when we could simply take the power away from them. Dark people cannot blame the white group for the condition of our communities. No one forces us to charge each other high rents, send our children to bad schools, eat heavily processed foods, etc., Making of The Whiteman shows what happens when communities implode. It also shows what happens when you do not deal with enemies within properly. Punishment without development or rehabilitation is a disastrous policy. Making of The Whiteman taught me about all of the peoples on this planet. The more we know about each other the better equipped we are to deal with one another.