Monday, May 5, 2014

Review Of Green Lantern Animated Series

I watch cartoons and I am not ashamed to admit it. The Green Lantern Animated Series is the reason why someone who thinks as much as I do can admit to watching cartoons. Green Lantern is one of the most sophisticated works that I have ever watched. This series introduces all kinds of Lanterns. Each Lantern represents a different principle. We know that Green Lanterns work for the council which chose logic without emotion. The Pink Lanterns chose love. The Red Lanterns chose emotion, particularly rage. The Orange Lantern was pure power. Of course my favorite were the Blue Lanterns that chose consciousness. If you watch Green Lantern with your child you can teach them about the principles which drives us. This series also deals with when artificial intelligence becomes sentient. This is a question that we will have to answer sooner than you think.You can laugh at me for being so excited about a cartoon. I just ask that you watch the first 5 episodes of Green Lantern Animated Series.