The more I awaken to the reality of existence the clearer my vision becomes. I move beyond such concepts as race and nationality. I notice souls, spirits, and human beings. Souls operate in principle. Some operate in low principles like injustice, indifference, inequality, etc. Other souls operate in high principles such as justice, empathy, equality, etc. All souls are brilliant and apply principle on every thing at every turn. Spirits are here aspiring to be souls. Spirits are more difficult to deal with because they can flow from peace to rage quickly. Souls have to be careful how we interact with spirits. Sometimes it is best to leave spirits alone altogether. Human beings are more concerned with day to day activities. They find the mundane satisfying. Human beings are easily manipulated to behave one way or the other all depending on who gives them the better reward. Human beings are driven by mostly two things, shelter and food. The best aspect of the cosmos is that we can all ascend. Spirit can become souls and souls can return to cosmos or dark energy. It is hard for human beings to ascend because in to order to ascend we have to give up all that we are so that we can enter the larger field of energy. Human beings find it extremely difficult to give up creature comforts, but it is not impossible, nothing is impossible.