Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Slave Mama 2015

 My mother was an old style slave. She cleaned people’s houses and raised their children while my sisters and I were raising ourselves and each other as best we could. Dorothy was her bosses girl and was loaned to other women to do days work. The pay never covered our rent and food so we were homeless much of the time. Slave homelessness is a hard struggle for one simple fact, we were slaves and not seen as worthy of steady housing. My mother would shovel us from friend to friend until we wore out our welcomes. Eventually the city put us into a public housing building. These were the harsh slave quarters because it was where the city put us to get us out of the way and forget about us. We all felt like less than what we were and our parents felt awful for bringing us into a state of slavery. The depression took the fight out of us. We gave up on ourselves. We did not know that even dung can be rolled into something valuable. My mother died not knowing such things. She died poorer than she was born, leaving behind children that are battered adults because of slave life. For this reason my mama is a pitiful character who has my deepest sympathies. DONATE