Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have introduced the idea of community policing repeatedly for the last decade. Maybe you all are tired enough of losing your children and falling prey to the tyrants roaming our streets in uniform. Maybe now you will embrace the idea of community policing, so I will discuss it yet again. We could pay young adults to protect and watch over our children. We could pay unemployed men to protect the women in the community. This means making sure they get from their transportation into their homes safely. We could ask any strangers in the community if there is any way we could help them. The attention will scare away those who mean us harm and help legitimate strangers find their destinations. We could use our phones to record anyone violating rules of the community, even law enforcement officers. The best part about all of this is that we do not need anything from outside to help us carry out community policing. We could start right now if we wanted. I meet my wife every night at the train station to make sure that she gets home safely. I would gladly work to expand this security to others in my neighborhood, but they are not interested. Maybe you are interested.