Friday, May 30, 2014

POTUS 2016 Real Education

This empire does not have an education problem because almost none of the people are being educated at all. The problem is with school systems that are obsolete. In the internet age we are still trying to fund the middle class by opening up the doors to large schools every day. We are also conditioning children for a society that died years ago. Pouring money into the national school system is not going to bring it back to life. The next president is going to have to fund websites and video channels that provide the most information. With Youtube all the parents have to do is support good channels and the producers will get their cut of funds. This way we can privatize real education without destroying educators. The next president should also support a system of assessment that replace standardized tests. Students should have to stand before a group made up of educators and parental advocates to present knowledge of subjects that the student studied. This is the only way to know if the youth are really educated. I am an educator and I have been doing this for 6 years now and we are going to replace the old system. It does not make sense for the state to spend resources fighting a losing battle when so much else needs to be done.