Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Blog Has 1, 000 Page Views

My blog has reached over 1, 000 page views so far. I want to thank all of you who have supported the blog. I think that I am putting out useful information. I want to do my part to steer as many people as I can from insanity to sanity. As long as I draw breath I will continue to blog. For those who do not like to read, each blog includes a video. If you wish to advertise in my blog just contact me.

Review Of Beloved By Toni Morrison

Beloved by Toni Morrison is one of the classic novels. It puts forth the most important question for any living being. Will we and our offspring live free lives within the natural world? Revolutions have been fought because people have answered this question one way. A lot of suffering has taken place because people have answered the question another way. Today far too many of us choose to play it safe. We trade our freedom for some physical safeties. The ruling class gets to use our bodies and minds for what turns out to be scraps from the table of the natural world. We get shelter for most of us most of the time. Most of us get to eat at least one meal a day. We have become too comfortable with our modern slavery. Thank goodness that Morrison reminds us how important it is to be free. Beloved says it is better to be dead than a slave. When you think about it death is the ultimate freedom. Beloved by Toni Morrison forces us to choose between dying as free people or keeping a slaves breath.