Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Blog Has 1, 000 Page Views

My blog has reached over 1, 000 page views so far. I want to thank all of you who have supported the blog. I think that I am putting out useful information. I want to do my part to steer as many people as I can from insanity to sanity. As long as I draw breath I will continue to blog. For those who do not like to read, each blog includes a video. If you wish to advertise in my blog just contact me.

Review Of Beloved By Toni Morrison

Beloved by Toni Morrison is one of the classic novels. It puts forth the most important question for any living being. Will we and our offspring live free lives within the natural world? Revolutions have been fought because people have answered this question one way. A lot of suffering has taken place because people have answered the question another way. Today far too many of us choose to play it safe. We trade our freedom for some physical safeties. The ruling class gets to use our bodies and minds for what turns out to be scraps from the table of the natural world. We get shelter for most of us most of the time. Most of us get to eat at least one meal a day. We have become too comfortable with our modern slavery. Thank goodness that Morrison reminds us how important it is to be free. Beloved says it is better to be dead than a slave. When you think about it death is the ultimate freedom. Beloved by Toni Morrison forces us to choose between dying as free people or keeping a slaves breath.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Body Is Weary

I have noticed that lately my body is weary. This is a celebratory event. I have a harder time getting up every morning. When ever I travel, long or short distances, I am exhausted when I reach a destination. For the last three years or so I have been willing myself toward what ever comes when this body stops. If it is a return to a higher field of energy I will be fine with that. If it is an eternity of nothing I am fine with that. These are truly glorious days in some ways. Great inventions are coming into existence. Transformations of social orders are occurring. Most of all, those of us whose bodies have grown weary will finally get our rest.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quality Is Life

So many experts wag their fingers at us to tell us what we should be doing better. They do not realize that quality is life. What difference does it make how much weight I lose if we have to worry about keeping roofs over our heads. What difference does it make if we think positively if we and our children can be gunned down in the street by friend and foe. It matters how well we can live in a society. Sometimes life in a horrible society is worse than death. Those who are supposed to know better than us can tell  us how to behave all they want, but we will not do better until the foundations of our society are open for us to live in a civilized way.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Timbro: A Woman About A Man

Timbro: About Africa

I Refuse To Live By Law

Laws are not strong enough to sustain a life. The law says that if a person does not have the right documents they can be mistreated. The laws are color coded and the darker you are the less value you hold. The law says that the more money you have the more laws you can violate without punishment. The law says that if you are innocent if you can cause enough fear so that the person you harm will not accuse you. The law says that the court room determines what the law is at any given moment. The law says that inanimate objects like courtrooms have personhood. Laws are written and maintained by people who set themselves apart from everyone else in a society as its rulers. Laws are for beings that are not developed enough to live by principles. These are some of the reasons why I refuse to live by laws.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Darker Than A Paper Bag (A Poem)

Darker Than a Paper Bag

When a baby is born
Darker than a paper bag
They are special
Dark babies will live
And probably die
With no control
No control
Of a hospital
No control
Of a school
No control
Of a work place
No control
Of a government
Federal, state, or local
No control
Of social clubs
Public or secret
Darker than a paper bag
You get
Debt, deficit
Prison, parole, probation
But no control

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What Was Gabourey Sidibe Thinking

I wonder what was on Gabourey Sidibe’s mind when she took the role on the show The Big C. She played the mammy character and did a good job at it. Sidibe added sassiness to the heavy dark woman who pushes the dominant family to be better while being treated like less. She also mocked the tradition of a whole people for a season on the show. I will acknowledge that the Africa of high culture is behind us, but we should still show some respect to the first and longest running civilization. Sidibe is young so she may not have known better. Maybe she will think better of her gift as the years go on.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Was Denzel Washington Thinking

I wonder what was on Denzel Washington’s mind when he took the role in the film Flight. He played an alcoholic and drug addict that treated everyone badly. Washington’s character could not shake his addiction no matter who tried to help him. The character only gets his mind together in prison. Washington should know better than to promote slavery. The law that freed dark people in the United States enslaved them again with the prison system. A large part of our existence is spent trying to stay out of prisons. Washington is not a stupid man, so he had to know what he was doing. We all make mistakes so maybe Washington will think again before taking these kinds of roles.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What Is Justin Bieber Thinking

I wonder what is on Justin Bieber’s mind as he promotes the thug life style. He never had to suffer the thug’s life. Bieber did not have parents that did not care whether he lived or died. He did not have a system that functions best when he is on the bottom. Bieber does not have to worry about people constantly trying to enslave him. He still has not been punished for his crimes. By promoting this thug life style Bieber is encouraging those he influences, but they will not have his body guards or lawyers. It is too bad that Bieber is thinking the way that he is.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Review Of The Mis-Education Of The Negro By Carter G. Woodson

I recently read The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson. Many of the people around me had read this book before. As a matter of fact over 1 million people have read The Mis-Education of the Negro. As I read the book it became clear to me that if dark people had read it, they have done a good job of ignoring it. When you look at our community you see a people that looked at Woodson’s advice to us and did the opposite. Woodson thought the way that the few conscious people think today. It has been almost one hundred years since Woodson has written The Mis-Education of the Negro and our community is actually worse off now than it was then. It is sad, but as long as I have breath I will work for a better community the best way that I can. The way that you will if you read and follow Carte G. Woodson’s advice in the Mis-Education of the Negro.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Review Of Social Psychology By Eliot Smith and Diane Mackie

We all exist as parts of a society. I have been trying to convince people of the fact that they are members of a community before everything else. Social Psychology by Eliot Smith and Diane Mackie a good book that shows how large groups of people can function together to build societies. The book also shows us how large groups can work together to destroy societies, including their own. When a sperm cell meets an egg and begins to grow we are members of a community of three. By the time many of us are born we are reduced to a community of two. Often times with a mother that has no clue why the community has been reduced. This leaves us like a three legged stool with only two legs. Smith and Mackie offer a book that will show you how to develop if you were a part of a healthy community as well as how to function in a society as a fractured member. Whether your life is hard or not is secondary because we all have responsibilities to our society. It will either rise or fall depending on what the masses of the people decide. Social Psychology by Eliot Smith and Diane Mackie will show you the social option that you have before you.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Review Of Personality By Jerry M. Burger

Personality by Jerry M. Burger is a textbook that you can use without having to take a psychology class. I recommend this book because we are living in a society that has gone insane. Personality will teach you the main psychological theories. It will also show you multiple approaches to psychoanalysis. We have been functioning comfortably in insanity for decades, so it may seem like I am going too far with my words. The system of delusion is breaking down making it clear that this society is mad. As your eyes adjust to reality you will need some tools. Personality by Jerry M. Burger is one of those tools. Keep your eyes open and happy sanity to you all.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Review Of The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution

I was introduced to The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution by Sidney Kaplan by a historian after I asked them for a reading list. This book clears up a lot of false teachings about dark people in the United States. We always had wealthy people here, so Oprah and her crew are not special.  The difference is that the wealthy dark people of the past actually helped other dark people. We used to have free dark people in the United States before they gave up their natural rights for jobs. Almost all dark people have decided to work for the benefit of others. If the dark ones would just read Kaplan’s book they might remember other options. Young people should read The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution because their cowardly parents and guardians have never taught them that doing other people’s bidding to their own destruction is not the only way to function in this society.  If more people took Kaplan’s book serious we could cut down on the number of dark people who are slaves from cradle to grave. If you are tired of bowing and scraping and want to stand up, read The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution by Sidney Kaplan.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

George Carlin Speaks To Me

George Carlin speaks to me. We talk about how many comedians there are today. Entertainment is the number one industry in the United States. Carlin and I discuss whether an empire can be maintained on and with entertainment. I think that Louis C K comes closest to Carlin as far as giving us social statement while making us laugh out loud. Carlin once called this whole thing a freak show, but I call it a horror show. He had and I have a front row seat. We chuckle about how that is the difference between an old white man with resources and an old dark man, destitute. Carlin is still a conversation filled with comedy and care. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Bobby Hemmit Situation

When I first heard that Bobby Hemmit had a stroke I thought two things. The first thing that came to my mind was I hope that he ascends. Hemmit has more than paid his dues. He gave us information about history, ethnicity, and the spirit realm that has helped us a lot. I would probably be in a mental institution if not for Hemmit and Valentine. When Hemmit regained physical consciousness he thanked everyone for helping him. I figured if he wants to stay here then I am glad that he is getting what he wants. Hemmit received tens of thousands of dollars from people around the world. This brought up another thought. Dark people never support scholars properly. My community would never give Hemmit money to do research, he had to start selling picture packets to make ends meet. When Hemmit was on his death bed many dark people sent him money, which he had to give to other communities to pay his hospital and rehab bill. This shows why dark communities around the world do not have control over anything important in their lives and never will.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Most Backward People In The World

We live among some of the most backward people in the world. A large portion of the population in this society is always moving in the wrong direction. The more of them that graduate from schools the less they know. The more these backward people visit hospitals the sicker they become. The more the backwards get involved in government the less political power they have. The argument is that people cannot help that institutions are harming them, but these people are supporting the institutions that harm them the most. I have offered ideas that would help people to create forward thinking institutions. The backward people either ignore me or scold me for giving them rational solutions to their problems. The backward people actually believe that problems are life. The backward people are committed to doing the wrong thing, so they are doomed to die as failures to their communities.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Living With Climate Change

When we live long enough we can divide our lives in pre and past eras. I have a pre climate change way of life and a post climate change way of life. Before climate change I looked forward to seasons. In New York City we had four seasons every year. In the past decade we can experience all four seasons within one week. Sometimes it will feel like winter in the morning and spring by the afternoon. I have to take the weather day by day. I keep a small amount of clothes in the closet for all seasons. I also have to keep as few things as possible so that I can move quickly when extreme weather happens. Climate change forces us to be flexible. I am a veteran of super storm Sandy and preparation made the situation easier. With climate change I have noticed that mental flexibility is more important than physical flexibility. You have to be able to sleep at a shelter, on a friends floor, or any place else. You also have to be able to live on dry food as well as raw food. I see others falling to extreme weather events, but we will get used to climate change. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Review Of The Angry Book By Theodore Isaac Rubin

It seems like we see someone lose control to anger every day. The Angry Book by Theodore Isaac Rubin could help so many of these people. The Angry Book helped me when I was angry about the lack of support that I was getting from my so called loved ones. Rubin showed that anger is real and should be expressed, but it should be expressed toward the people who deserve it. When we hold anger in it will destroy us. We often hold this anger in so that we will not hurt those we love. I realized that many of these people never loved me back. Rubin gives you multiple scenarios and solutions so that you will find your situation in this book. The Angry Book by Theodore Isaac Rubin will save you a lot of energy. It could even save your life.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

John Brown Speaks To Me

John Brown speaks to me. We talk about how courageous it is to stand up for high principles. If principles are too much you should have ideals. We laugh about how the people who created a false mythology about a whole group to brutalize and enslave them call Brown crazy. Brown and I talk about how much chemicals or drugs have taken away the courage of so many people these days. We all know what the problems are, but too many of us would rather sit passively as problems rise. I have seen people killed by problems that could easily have been solved if the person had shown a bit of motivation. Brown says that when there is an injustice we should meet it with justice in the most aggressive way. I agree with him. When I see NYPD killing us I say shut them out of our community altogether. When parents are abusive we should take children from them as a community. I tell John Brown that if he were riding against slave masters today he would probably be riding alone.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Review Of Blink By Malcolm Blackwell

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is a book about where our decisions come from. If you are enlightened you may be in tuned with your sub conscious mind. We all know that the number of people that fit into this category is tiny. Most of the people existing react to situations or follow orders. Almost everyone you come across makes decisions based on gut instincts or faulty learning systems. Blink shows how this form of decision making leads to tragic events. Some people have been taught to think a certain way about other people, places, and things. When the misled come in contact with people, places and things that they were ill informed about, it usually ends badly.  Gladwell points out that solving this problem is not as easy as punishing the person who commits deadly acts based on ignorance because we are not in control of our educational systems until late in our lives. Even as adults we are forced to go along with certain systems in order to maintain food, clothing and shelter. As the systems have broken down now is a good time to create better systems. Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell to see how to create real educational systems.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Review Of Kemet, Afrocentricity, And Knowledge By Molefi Kete Asante

Kemet, Afrocentricity, and Knowledge by Molefi Kete Asante is an important book. I learned a lot about the culture that my community should have. It set me on a mental journey to find out why our community does not care about anything any more. I found from all of my research that the members of my community have chosen to dedicate themselves to working for others and entertaining themselves. It is a shame that this is their choice because Asante is great thinker who deserves to be held in high esteem in our community. Instead as a people we have chosen to honor Jay Z, Oprah Winfrey, and Barack Obama. None of these types of people have done anything to further a healthy culture for our community. If anyone wants to know what dark people could be instead of the abomination they have become, read Kemet, Afrocentricity, and Knowledge by Molefi Kete Asante.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Proper Use Of Hip Hop

After watching a few performances from the 2014 Grammy Awards spectacle it was clear that some people are not using hip hop properly. Hip Hop is an art form created by an oppressed youth to expose social ills. Some have always used hip hop to have fun, but even then we were partying to escape social ills for a moment. At the Grammys one hip hop artist used hip hop to grind with his almost nude wife. He was selling sex for personal financial gain. Another hip hop artist was using hip hop to push for same sex marriage rights. You may disagree with same sex marriage, but you’d have to agree that this is closer to the true spirit of hip hop. The most disturbing part about the artist who used hip hop like a prostitute is that he is an artist who was around when the art form was at its purest. He also comes from the community that developed hip hop. It seems that some of us need a refresher course on the proper use of hip hop. Of course those who need to remember most about hip hop are the least interested in the art of hip hop.