have a physical realm which is the material world and we have a spirit realm.
We can reach the spirit realm by way of deep meditation or sleep. The spirit
realm is much better than the physical realm. In the spirit realm we are more
alive. We come across objects and symbols that can seem strange or scary, but
we have nothing to fear. Once I saw a large creature resembling a hippo with
multiple eyes. I was not afraid because I know she was similar to an ancient
representation of something. In order to make sense of the spirit realm you
have to have a system of learning. Spiritual teachings, metaphysics, and/or
quantum physics will help you on your journeys. If you want to do more than
wander around the spirit realm you will have to learn, but once you know the
basics about who and what we are you will be able to guide yourself with inner
knowledge. The only problem I have is that I have to return to the physical
realm. Building a reality in the spirit realm helps to make the physical realm