Tuesday, November 3, 2015

When White People Call Our Bluff

I smile when I see black people protesting and making demands. I smile because it is about time that black people recognize that they have problems and voices to address those problems. I also smile because I know that at some point white people are going to call the bluff of the black protesters. White people will say, here's a neighborhood - run it yourself. That is when we will really wake up. The deep thinking black people will put out the codes that can sustain communities. We will also show our neighbors how to build institutions that are flexible enough to grow. We will learn to provide our own education, healthcare, business, waste management, water processing, etc. I used to think that this day was far off in the distance, but when I see police departments pulling away from us, I wonder if I may live to see the day when black people in the United States actually have control over their lives. KEEP THINKING!!!