Friday, January 31, 2014

Children Do The Best Touch Down Dances

Children are wonderful. They can play together without hang ups that adults have. Children are supposed to play. Adults are supposed to make sure that children can play safely.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Review Of Racial And Ethnic Groups By Richard T. Schaefer

I studied Racial and ethnic Groups by Richard T. Schaefer in a psychology class. I dropped out of the class because the professor was really too busy to teach it, but I kept the book. Schaefer provides the psychological make up of different ethnic groups in the United States. If you think that you are just an individual American you are insane. We all belong to ethnic groups and we are as developed as our groups. When we rise beyond the group while the group is unhealthy we crash and burn. Schaefer exposes how the system of the United States affects all of the ethnic groups living here as well as how these groups deal with the system. Almost all of the ethnic groups create alternative systems to compensate for what the dominate system neglects to do or does to harm them. The only ethnic group that allows themselves to be attacked without answer is the African American, or what I call the dark people. Racial and Ethnic Groups by Richard T. Schaefer is one of my favorite books. I go back to it constantly for information and so will you.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State Of The Union 2014

Obama’s state of the union speech is a great example of illusion. You cannot have a state of a union when there is no union. Southern states will never accept Barack Obama as a leader because he is a senator from Illinois and a product of the emancipation proclamation. Southern states will never embrace someone who represents what they believe is a war crime. The northern states only tolerate Obama because he allows them to empty urban centers by any means necessary for what ever purpose. Without a union everything falls back on communities. If you belong to a community that creates cooperatives for food, clothing, and shelter you are fine. If you belong to a community that does not cooperate you are in trouble. All the hard work you do as an individual is wasted if you are in a dead community. Go outside and look around you. That is the state of your union.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Review Of Visions By Michio Kaku

We are living in a time of breakthroughs. We are learning about the cosmos, new planets, and the nature of our existence. The problem is that the people in our society are lagging behind in the mental development necessary to function in this new era. Visions by Michio Kauku is one of the books in my library that will help bring you up to mental speed with our era. You will learn about the technologies that we take for granted, things we did have twenty years ago. Kaku makes predictions for technology to come. Some of Kaku’s predictions are here now and some are on the way. We need to know about new technologies and discoveries because they are changing our society. The largest change is how to run an economic based society when human workers are not needed. Will we use this opportunity to become civilized around a set of deeper concepts? Will we become extinct? There really are not many choices between. Read visions by Michio Kaku to have fun while you learn of our changing world.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Review Of The Homeless By Christopher Jencks

Homelessness is a growing problem in the United States. As resources continue to flow upward away from the masses more people find themselves without conventional dwelling places. The Homeless by Christopher Jencks explains how people become homeless as well as the politics that keeps people without places to live. The Homeless is an older book, but as a person on the brink of homelessness myself I can say that not much has changed in New York City. We are still a city with too many high priced units and too many poor people. Jencks puts ideas in The Homeless that would help, but not enough people care to implement any solutions. Politicians are on the payroll of developers. Those who have places to live turn away from the homeless. I make enough with my e-books, vlogs and blogs to live on a train during the night. During the day I can upload stories. Read The Homeless by Christopher Jencks to find out about the homeless issues as well as how to make them issues of the past.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Review Of Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman By Patricia & Frederick McKissack

Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman? by Patricia C. McKissack and Frederick McKissack tells of one of our great ancestors. Sojourner Truth was one of the strongest people to live in this land. As a slave Truth was worked hard by her slave masters until she found one that would let her earn her freedom. Truth was then worked harder. Freedom is not cheap in the world of white supremacy. After Truth gained her freedom she created a new life for herself by working hard of course. For a slave to be free of the system that enslaves them means freedom to starve. Truth did not starve, she became one of the loudest anti slavery voices of all time. This book is easy to read and informative to anyone interested in important figures of the United States. Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman is a book for all ages.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Review Of American Captivity Narratives By Gordon M. Sayre

The African slave narrative is the most famous of the United States slave stories. This was not always the case. American Captivity Narratives by Gordon M. Sayre provides many slave narratives that are not studied any more. This book reveals how some settlers were taken by natives that refused to let the settlers take over these lands without a fight. It is interesting to see the difference between the treatment of natives toward captive settlers and the settlers to each other and Africans. One settler could barely stand the natives at the beginning of her captivity and grew fond of the natives as she spent more time with them. American Captivity Narratives also tells of story tellers who would share false slave stories to entertain in exchange for room and board. Slavery is a fundamental part of the United States and American Captivity Narratives by Gordon M. Sayre will give you a picture of different types of slavery.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

R. Kelly Proves A Point

My community is always complaining about how we are treated by other communities, but R. Kelly's Black Panties Album proves how non functional we are. First Kelly produced a sex video of him having sex with and urinating on one of our daughters and we did nothing about it. He went on to produce many more sex videos proving his inability to control himself and we did nothing. Kelly even said that he had a problem and we did nothing to help him. He kept making music while our community kept on supporting him. Now he has a collection of songs called Black Panties. This proves that if you are a member of our community you can do any perverse act you want without having to worry about consequences. We never cared about our men, but now we do not care about our women or children either. Our men can keep participating in useless activities while our women throw their panties on the stage.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cooning Will Not Help You

Cooning toward your masters will no longer help you. Cooning is the act of kissing the boots of a person in power literally as well as figuratively. Coons laugh at the masters jokes when they are not funny. They also agree with their masters even when those masters are wrong. Sometimes these decisions cause great suffering to others, including the coon, but the coon does not care, they agree with their masters anyway. Technology has made the coon expendable. Computers and machines are performing more functions. The masters no longer need as many people to produce. You coons will be the first to go since you serve no real purpose other than making masters feel good. Artificial intelligence is at such a level that computers can engage with masters in a beneficial way. Coons can return to their communities if they go before their masters put them out of the big houses. It is going to be difficult for you if you are from a community that is not forgiving.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review Of Long Walk To Freedom By Justin Chadwick

While watching Long Walk To Freedom by Justin Chadwick it did not take long to realize that the whole situation was managed toward a desired outcome. The forming of the ANC, picking Nelson Mandela, locking Mandela away, and freeing him was all managed. The rulers had to transition South Africa from a colony to a new colony in the safest possible way to the ruling elite. The rulers indirectly selected a leader, forced him to fight so that they could retaliate, and locked the leader away while they brutalized his people. Now South Africa is still ruled by Afrikaans while native Africans suffer. In some ways the natives are in worse condition now than they were then. It is easier to see the ruler's plan from a distance, but I doubt that anyone involved in the anti apartheid movement could see how they were being guided. When we are in the midst of a struggle in a mode of violence we are blind. You should watch Long Walk To Freedom by Justin Chadwick to see how we moved from forced slave societies to voluntary slave societies.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Recognizing A Holocaust

It is important that we all recognize a holocaust because we could find ourselves suffering through one. First your group is isolated and all of the negatives about you are highlighted. Next you are moved into certain locations. Members of your group will disappear during this move. Large numbers of your group are murdered. These murders are always justified by those murdering you and ignored by other groups. Those who are not murdered are experimented on or forced into labor as slaves to feed the larger society’s appetites. If any of this sounds familiar to you and is a part of your daily life you are in the middle of a holocaust. If your group is suffering from the holocaust you must remove your self from the system of the larger society as soon as possible. Once those carrying out the holocaust knock on your door, you will be brutalized. If you are watching a holocaust from the outside you have to decide whether you are going to stand against it to protect your soul or do nothing and become a lesser being.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Review of Free Masons By Jasper Ridley

Everyone has something to say about Masonic power in the world. The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley tells us all who and what the Masons are. Ridley takes us from the old days when the masons were a trade’s organization to modern times where the masons are in every part of every society touched by western philosophy. Masonic brotherhood is stronger than everything else. This brotherhood trumps war, borders, religion, etc. The only concept that freemasonry does not over take is race, but that is only in the United States. Ridley also reveals the secrecy of the organization. In the past if you broke your oath to organization you can disappear. Today anyone who wants to know anything about masons can find out. You need to read The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley because our society is structured upon Masonic knowledge and symbology. Once you read this book you will really see your society.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Review of Before The Mayflower by Lerone Bennet Jr.

It is an incredible reality that we still have to tell dark people that they were on this continent for centuries before Europeans showed up. It is also strange that dark people do not know that we were producing greatness on the physical and conceptual level without any outside help. We do have to remind dark people of their contributions to North America and Before the Mayflower by Lerone Bennet Jr. tells us of these contributions. This book reveals what other books I have in my library reveal, that dark people always had great members in modern societies. Even when the United States had legal slavery and considered the dark people 3/5 of a person, we still achieved greatness. It was not manufactured illusions that look great, but actual greatness. Before the Mayflower gives names and dates of some of the best thinkers, builders, scientist, etc. If you do not think that dark people ever did anything or can do anything you need to read Before the Mayflower.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review Of Soylent Green By Richard Fleischer

The film Soylent Green by Richard Fleischer deals with issues that every modern western society has to deal with, feeding and housing people. Traditional indigenous people only have to deal with this because they live under western rule. The concept of ownership destroys the relationship between us to the planet. We should be able to walk up to a space and put a tent, hut, or dwelling on that land, but we cannot because someone will come along and say that it belongs to them, they own it. We should be able to eat what grows out of the ground, but someone claims that they own the ground and what come out of it. These owners can destroy the lands if they want because they own it. In Soylent Green the planet is so polluted that hardly anything can grow. Soylent is rationed out to people once a week. People are sleeping on stair cases and out in the middle of the street while the wealthy still live in plush homes with multiple rooms. The movie also shows that in this environment slavery rises up as an option to suffering. Soyle Green is a classic that is always useful and if things keep on their current economic tracks may be a prophetic film.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Art By Freddie Warren

Freddie Warren is one of the best artists in Queens New York that you probably do not know. He draws portraits that stare back at you so well that you may start a conversation with them. A woman hired Warren to draw a portrait of Barack Obama. The portrait became so popular at her house that she hired Warren to draw Michelle Obama. The two portraits hang across from one another. Warren drew a portrait of a man and his wife in England. It became so popular in their community that now Warren is drawing two portraits of the family. All Warren needs to create a top notch portrait is a good photo. He also draws many other types of objects. My favorite Warren drawing is the family made up of dark energy. I have it hanging in my bedroom and use it as a background in many of my videos. If you would like to get in touch with Freddie Warren call 347-446-0575.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Review of Making of the Whiteman by Paul Lawrence Guthrie

When you hear the title Making of The Whiteman by Paul Lawrence Guthrie you may think that it is a prejudiced work against white people, but the book put more responsibility on the colored peoples on this planet. Dark peoples out number light peoples 11 to 1. Such a small number of people could not rule over such a large number of people unless the larger group allowed it. We allow small numbers of people to dominate us all the time. In the United States the 99% should not blame the 1% for the ills of the nation when we could simply take the power away from them. Dark people cannot blame the white group for the condition of our communities. No one forces us to charge each other high rents, send our children to bad schools, eat heavily processed foods, etc., Making of The Whiteman shows what happens when communities implode. It also shows what happens when you do not deal with enemies within properly. Punishment without development or rehabilitation is a disastrous policy. Making of The Whiteman taught me about all of the peoples on this planet. The more we know about each other the better equipped we are to deal with one another.

Friday, January 10, 2014


John Coltrane speaks to me. We talk about the state of music among the melanin enriched. Today there seems to be too many sound effects and not enough natural sound. You do not know what genre you are listening to these days. Gospel spills over into rhythm and blues, rhythm and blues spills over into hip-hop. Coltrane does not mind that so much because lines should be blurred. The problem is that not much of the music motivates or touches us deeply. Maybe we need to go back to slave songs. Coltrane explained improvisation within parameters, stretching parameters and improvising again. We talk about vibrations, how important it is for artists to reach the universal vibration to offer the audience a chance to experience something beyond the structures of the five senses. John Coltrane loves to speak to the multitudes and I love to listen to him.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Get Blowed (A Poem)

Get Blowed

All you want
To do
Is get blowed
You needed fog
To protect you
From the bondage
You can see clearly now
The bondage is gone
There are no more obstacles
In your way
They put you out
Of the school system
They put you out
Of the job market
Not even your mothers
Care about you
You are free now

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I have eaten almost every part of every animal. Now I do not eat flesh of any kind. Here is how I got from there to here. One day my wife came home and said that she was going to do a 30 day raw food diet. I joined her to keep shopping and food preparation easy. We could not eat meat of any kind. Everything was raw. We ate nuts as protein substitutes. I thought that it would be hard on my body, but the transition was smooth. I had the most difficulty with not eating sugar or salt. This meant that I had no salad dressing to put on the salad that we ate every night. I made home made dressing, but craved a French or Thousand Island dressing. As we approached the end of the 30 days we discussed what we would do afterward. I said that I did not want to go back to eating flesh. I do not eat eggs or fish. I do eat sugar again and I am thinking about adding eggs back to my diet. I am less sluggish now. I can expand my consciousness easier. I also found that I do not need as much food at all. I am called Timothy and I am a vegetarian. More importantly I am not a jerk about my new diet.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Everyone asked my wife and I what made us start our own soap business. The answer is that it all started with Groupon. My wife had become attached to Groupon. One day she saw a Groupon for a soap making class. We took the class together. It was fun and surprisingly easy to make natural soap. On the way home we discussed trying to make a business out of selling the soap. We made a few batches of soap at home to practice and our soaps were good. I even made a mistake in the process of one batch of soap and ended up making a soft scrub instead. My wife invested in a large quantity of ingredients along with equipment to manage and cure the soaps. This business is more than a hobby, it may save our marriage. I have been unemployed for over five years. My vlogging, blogging, e-books, and educational website has not made enough money to help pitch in. We have had a good experience at a flea market selling Christmas boxes full of our soaps. Now we have a website which allows us to sell our hand made soaps all around the world. Thanks to Groupon we still have a family to start a family business with.

Monday, January 6, 2014


All of humanity is leaving us. The idea that a person deserves a certain kind of treatment because they are the same type of being is dead. As humanity disappears other attitudes are filling its place. On the low end there is savagery. Men are knocking people out for fun and exposing themselves to women in public. Women are twerking in supermarkets and teaching their daughters to grind. We also have low principles such as injustice and indifference. Police officers are writing tickets and the courts are forcing you to pay when you have not violated any rule. Men are going into villages to kill other men and rape women as well as children. People are acknowledging the suffering of others and shrugging their shoulders because they are not interested in stopping the suffering. We also have high principles like justice and empathy. We only exhibit fair treatment whether good or bad. We actually show the suffering a way out of their suffering. If they have the courage to do it those people get better. Many people are retreating into inner rooms as the house of humanity disappears, but you do not have to wait until the last bit of humanity is gone to choose these other options. You can move out at this moment.

Friday, January 3, 2014


We have a physical realm which is the material world and we have a spirit realm. We can reach the spirit realm by way of deep meditation or sleep. The spirit realm is much better than the physical realm. In the spirit realm we are more alive. We come across objects and symbols that can seem strange or scary, but we have nothing to fear. Once I saw a large creature resembling a hippo with multiple eyes. I was not afraid because I know she was similar to an ancient representation of something. In order to make sense of the spirit realm you have to have a system of learning. Spiritual teachings, metaphysics, and/or quantum physics will help you on your journeys. If you want to do more than wander around the spirit realm you will have to learn, but once you know the basics about who and what we are you will be able to guide yourself with inner knowledge. The only problem I have is that I have to return to the physical realm. Building a reality in the spirit realm helps to make the physical realm bearable.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

IN 2014

In the year 2014 I am going to continue to expand my field of consciousness. That is what I am doing every moment. I have reorganized the Freedman School in order to provide new lessons every week. I offer reviews of music, movies, and books with purpose of encouraging others to engage with these works for themselves. I also offer lessons questioning such concepts as democracy and social events like inner city shootings. My internet library has been organized for use for about a year and will grow if it receives the proper support. In 2014 I will continue to share my ideas in my multimedia blog. I wrote a lot of short stories in 2013 and will continue to write in 2014. I started a new series called planet. I also started a philosophical series called Mind. I will build upon my body of work in 2014. Maybe I will move from starving artist to an artist who can feed himself. All I can control is what I produce. The support these productions get is out of my hands.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Howard Zinn speaks to me. We talk about how many points of view a single event can have. I always look at an event from at least three angles. I view it from the beings that inflict the event, the beings who suffer from the event, and the environment where the event happens. Zinn and I also talk about how many mistakes that we are suffering through could be avoided if we just knew the real events of the past. Not only do most of us not know what happened 100 years ago, but most do not even remember what happened 10 years ago. Some communities repeat mistakes every year. We often discuss how transformative movements have become difficult only because too many people do not want to do the mental work necessary. They would rather spend valuable energy maintaining life styles, leaving the quality of life in such a poor state.