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Thursday, July 31, 2014
How To Get Hired
in Washington D.C., the National Symphony Orchestra hired Sylvia Alimena to play the French horn. Would she have been hired before the advent of screens? Of course not. the French horn - like the trombone - is a "male" instrument. More to the point, Alimena is tiny. She's five feet tall. In truth, that's an irrelevant fact. As another prominent horn player says, "Sylvia can blow a house down." But if you were to look at her, you would not be able to hear that power, because what you saw would so contradict what you heard. There is only one way to make a proper snap judgment of Sylvia Alemina, and that's from behind a screen. - Malcolm Gladwell
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Too Great Expectations
You will have to deal with men with whom you are not yet acquainted. Always commence by thinking of them all the evil imaginable: then you will not have to lower your opinion very much. Do not judge them by your heart, which I believe to be noble and good, and which besides is still young. Despise them as politely as you can: this is the way to be on guard against the petty prejudices and petty passions which will bruise your feelings upon your entry into society. - Alexander Pushkin
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
The Strength Of Sojourner Truth
Sojourner felt that this was no time to retreat. Against her daughter's wishes, she planned another speaking tour. Before leaving, she had her autobiography updated. Frances Titus, a friend and neighbor who helped Sojourner with her correspondence, would edit and expand the Narrative six times between 1853 and 1884. Sojourner also designed a postcard with her photograph on it. At the bottom was her message: "I sell the shadow to support the substance." She sold it along with her book and hymns. Then, taking Sammy with her, Sojourner went back out on the speaking tour at age sixty-two. - Patricia and Fredrick McKissack
Monday, July 28, 2014
Freemasonry In The American Revolution
During the American War of Independence, when American liberals in the North worked with slaveowners in the south in the struggle against Britain, the British, although they themselves owned black slaves in the West Indies and were engaged in the slave trade, encouraged the slaves of the revolutionaries in Georgia and South Carolina to escape from their masters and join the British garrisons in the ports they held, to work there as labourers. They accepted some of these runaway slaves as members of the British military Freemasons' lodge, though no African-American had been allowed to join any American lodge. - Jasper Ridley
Friday, July 25, 2014
Building The USA
Every day they measured land with curious instruments and put down marks which we could not understand. They were good men, and we were sorry when they had gone on into the west. They were not soldiers. These were the first white men I ever saw.
About ten years later some more white men came. These were all warriors. They made their camp on the Gila River south of Hot Springs.At first they were friendly and we did not dislike them, but they were not as good as those who came first.
After about a year some trouble arose between them and the Indians, and I took the warpath as a warrior, not as a chief. - Geronimo
About ten years later some more white men came. These were all warriors. They made their camp on the Gila River south of Hot Springs.At first they were friendly and we did not dislike them, but they were not as good as those who came first.
After about a year some trouble arose between them and the Indians, and I took the warpath as a warrior, not as a chief. - Geronimo
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Self Governing
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and states as much as possible to themselves - in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the states more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit. - Andrew Jackson
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
The Bond Between Twins
The psychic bond that twins seem to share has been documented extensively and is understood almost not at all. Sonograms often show twins seeming to hold hands or cling together in the womb. Mothers often report that infant twins sleeping in separate rooms will lie in the same positions, roll over at the same time and be disturbed by nightmares simultaneously. - Exploring The Unexplained by Time Inc.
Monday, July 21, 2014
European Jews In Palestine
Since the 1890's European Jews had been immigrating to Palestine, fired by Zionist dreams and fleeing pogroms and discrimination. The emigrations or aliyahs, took place in a series of waves; by 1925 there were 160,000 Jews in Palestine. As Arabs claimed their lands were being overrun by foreigners, Britain clamped down on Jewish immigration. As tensions rose, Arabs rioted in Jerusalem and elsewhere.In response, the Jews created an underground military organization, the Haganah, to protect themselves. - The Middle East by Time Inc.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The Eye Is Everywhere
The Eye of Heru is also known as the Eye of Ra. Both symbols represent Netcherw associated with the sun and express the divine omnipotence of the creator. When used as an amulet, it places the wearer under the protection of God, and when incorporated into a logo it has been used to represent the omnipotent objectives of that particular company. the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) has used a modified version of the Eye of Heru on their television stations for years. As recently as 1991, an eye was used in an equilateral triangle as a backdrop during their station identification breaks. - Anthony T. Browder
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Black People In The Revolutionary War
There were two all-black units in the Continental Army and a third which voyaged from Haiti with the French. Colonel Christopher Greene's First Rhode Island Regiment distinguished itself for efficiency and gallantry throughout the war- perhaps the war would have ended sooner if its examples had been heeded. About the Bucks of America, a Massachusetts company, little is known except that John Hancock chose it for special honor. The Black Brigade of Saint Domingue, Haiti, in this day of Pan-African aspiration, needs to be better known. - Sidney Kaplan
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
I Am A 3rd Class Citizen
The new nation being created in America was dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal-and all women are not. For even in this new "egalitarian" society some things had not changed: women and non-property holders were second class citizens; blacks and native American, third. Yet the age promised to end old constraints. - The Making of America by Time Inc.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Birds And Skyscrapers
These 2,000 birds didn't survive their migration through downtown Toronto last fall: Tall buildings stopped them cold. At night artificial light draws the birds; during daylight birds see reflections such as trees in windows and fly into them.
one remedy: "Turnoff the lights at night" says Michael Mesure, executive director of the Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP), which collected these victims and counted nearly as many dead birds during the spring migration. More than a hundred skyscraper owners in the Toronto area have agreed to minimize their lights. - John L. Eliot
one remedy: "Turnoff the lights at night" says Michael Mesure, executive director of the Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP), which collected these victims and counted nearly as many dead birds during the spring migration. More than a hundred skyscraper owners in the Toronto area have agreed to minimize their lights. - John L. Eliot
Friday, July 11, 2014
Carter G. Woodson On Leadership
It seems only a reasonable proposition, then, that, if under the present system which produced our leadership in religion, politics, and business we have gone backward toward serfdom or have at least been kept from advancing to real freedom, it is high time to develop a new sort of leadership with a different educational system. - Carter G. Woodson.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Post Materialism
Post-materialism (20th century) politics a theory of the eclipse of material values.
In the second half of the 20th century, particularly amongst the young, the search for material utility which had underlain both capitalist and communist analyses was replaced by a priority to non-material values: quality of life, culture, the preservation of the environment. The theory has been used to explain the growth environmental or green politics. - Dictionary of Theories by Jennifer Bothamley
In the second half of the 20th century, particularly amongst the young, the search for material utility which had underlain both capitalist and communist analyses was replaced by a priority to non-material values: quality of life, culture, the preservation of the environment. The theory has been used to explain the growth environmental or green politics. - Dictionary of Theories by Jennifer Bothamley
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Questions For Neil deGrasse Tyson
What are Africa's contributions to science?
Is there a relationship between dark energy, dark matter, and melanin?
Why are adults so stupid when so much information is available?
If you had complete control of an educational institution, and could build it from the ground up, what would it be like?
Is it possible that ET's are living among us?
Does space dust from fallen meteors have an affect on us?
Are you tired of representing a community that is in shambles?
If I wanted to open a science lab in the inner city for urban children would you advise me?
Is there a relationship between dark energy, dark matter, and melanin?
Why are adults so stupid when so much information is available?
If you had complete control of an educational institution, and could build it from the ground up, what would it be like?
Is it possible that ET's are living among us?
Does space dust from fallen meteors have an affect on us?
Are you tired of representing a community that is in shambles?
If I wanted to open a science lab in the inner city for urban children would you advise me?
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Questions for President Obama
I want to congratulate you President for winning two terms and would like to ask you a some questions.
Would it have been easier to lower the age for medicare and adjust the poverty rate to 2014 dollars than to create Your healthcare plan?
Is it enough for you to be the known for being the first black president?
How do you feel when the children die in the streets of our cities?
Are you angry with black people for killing each other?
Are you afraid of being known as the Marijuana President?
Why do you think that black boys are so far behind?
When your commission on black boys comes back with a report will you implement solutions or just present the findings?
Would it have been easier to lower the age for medicare and adjust the poverty rate to 2014 dollars than to create Your healthcare plan?
Is it enough for you to be the known for being the first black president?
How do you feel when the children die in the streets of our cities?
Are you angry with black people for killing each other?
Are you afraid of being known as the Marijuana President?
Why do you think that black boys are so far behind?
When your commission on black boys comes back with a report will you implement solutions or just present the findings?
Monday, July 7, 2014
Using Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet has been remade many times directly and indirectly. We often see the lovers on opposite sides fighting to be with each other. Most of the social structures have not changed much in centuries. As a matter of fact we are in a social dark age. When I first read Romeo and Juliet I was in high school. This was during the crack era and I lived in Marcus Garvey Housing. I was able to relate to Romeo and Juliet because we had groups who would war with each other. In our case it was this housing complex versus that housing complex. Many of my neighbors and friends died during this time. A lot of babies were born addicted to drugs. Almost all of these babies grew up with mental blocks or continued to carry on the violence. Last weekend 24 people were shot in New York City, four of them died. Romeo and Juliet also told me what I was starting to suspect, that adults did not have a clue about how to run a free society where we could love who ever we wanted. Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare's easier plays, but it has a lot to teach all of us.
Friday, July 4, 2014
More School Means Nothing
Summer school started in New York City on July 1 and will end on August 15. The students are going to school almost all year around. So when I walk up to a young person to ask anything about the subjects taught in school they should be able to give an answer. This is not the case. The more the youth attend school the worse they seem to think. It is not a new reality. The creation of people that cannot think with schools has been happening for at least 50 years. Try to talk to an adult about anything that they say is important to them to see what ideas you get from them. You will have a short conversation. Most people are bodies without minds. If you have no mind the rulers can put into your mind what they need to rule for any given period of time. Send your child to school more often, a private school, or school camp, and it will mean nothing. Dedicate yourself to a system of study so that you can build you mind the same way you build your abs or arms.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Independence At Your Own Risk
I am independent of the system and will die early because of it. I did not expect to live long once I detached from the system that keeps 99% of its members in a state of insanity. I did expect that once those people started to know who was causing their condition they would detach as well. Most of the masses have chosen to stay enslaved. Some are enslaved because they do not know how to take care of themselves. Most of those who have chosen to stay enslaved are comfortable with their position. The slaves are comfortable with the violence in their communities. They are comfortable with having no control over their lives. They are comfortable laboring to feed the plantation system that drains them day and night. I am happy with my decision to seek independence, but I would not advise it to everyone. the resources out here are scarce. People hate you for reminding them of their decision to stay enslaved. You may only receive one meal a day. You may have to live on trains or tent cities. On independence day I will be thinking about what my community could be if it were free just like last year.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Surviving Plutocracy
You must know by now that we live in a plutocracy. We live in a society where the wealthy are the law and rule with iron hands. Wealthy people are killing, raping, and brutalizing the rest of us and they do not suffer any consequence. We do not even demand that the wealthy change anything about the way they rule. The rest of us who want to live free can, but we have to create sub systems or better yet alternative systems. My ancestors were masters of surviving plutocracy. They created a whole systems in the slave quarters that masters did not always know about. The old slaves had to have a different system in order to maintain their humanity. The old slaves knew what you all cannot seem to grasp, that the plutocrats really do not care if you live or die. As a matter of fact the new plutocrats value us less than the old plutocrats because every old slave was harder to replace. You are free to sell items from your house and your community can get those items from you instead of the plutocrat's stores. The psychological conditioning put upon us by plutocrats makes us volunteer to be slaves when it is easier to be free. That is why I have a mental health blog called Bridge To Sanity on Blogger.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Using Boss TV Series
I recently watched the television series called Boss. The show is about politics in Chicago. All politics is corrupt in this society because it was organized upon corruption at the beginning. Chicago politics is supposed to be worse than all other places. Boss give us the reality of how destructive the system is. I often talk about the rulers of this society, but those who serve the rulers are worse than any other creatures on this planet. The people who actually run the system day after day are dealing in death and debauchery. Without us the rulers cannot rule. Boss also shows how quickly everything crumbles when no one is willing to turn away from the corrupt system. The show gives a view of dark people in Chicago. They are foot stools for everyone else. Boss has given me more motivation to represent dark people because 99% of us are out of our minds. Watch Boss if you enjoy quality programs that give an accurate view of society.
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