Thursday, November 28, 2013


When a nation is at war with another nation everyone should fight or no one should fight at all. We should all help in some kind of way. I have a broken neck, but I am sure that I could cook or clean for the soldiers. Maybe I could counsel them as they return from their tour of duty in the reality of how the society has changed since they were here last. Maybe I can help them to fill out paper work needed to access the services that soldiers need. Maybe I could run the organization that watches over their families while the soldiers are gone. I am sure that we all have something to contribute so why are all of the war burdens put upon the small amount of people. 300 million people could win a war a lot quicker than 200 thousand people. It would be so much nicer if we all did something more than saying thank you for your service.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


George Orwell taught me the inner workings of a police state in his book 1984. Most of us knew that we lived in a police state for a long while, but authorities allowed us to function as long as we did not grow out of the narrow parameters of the state. In 1984 Orwell showed how a state could control every aspect of life. Orwell hated tyranny no matter where it came from. In Keep the Aspidistra Flying Orwell showed me how the writer struggles against the main stream in order to be a critical thinker in terms of society. The artistic writer can also become trapped by the wife and child in a flat life style. Orwell taught me over twenty years ago and he will teach you today if you are open to learning. Who teaches you?

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


To be homeless does not mean that we have no lives. With modern technology we can still accomplish a lot without a permanent address. I am in New York City so there are spots where I can go to get out of the cold. I could always use the subway if Port Authority or Penn Station is mean to me. I would keep a duffle bag with me so that people would not know if I am traveling or not. This gets me access to the bathrooms at Penn Station and Port Authority at the least. Inside of the stalls I can clean myself with wipes and change my clothes. I will keep my dirty clothes in a separate bag within my duffle bag. I could use a water bottle to brush my teeth. After this I can throw away the disposable wipes, I will use these to keep from clogging toilets, which would bring negative attention. Most people do not want to notice homeless people so if I keep my head down I can move around the city freely. I will continue to write in my journal and publish books to using a thumb drive and computers at the public library. I will also promote my books using social media as well as a sign with my name and links in public. Being homeless will give me a chance to get to libraries early. Anyone who wants to help me can down load these books and the money will go directly to my Pay Pal account which will allow me to purchase metro cards and food. I can produce good works of literature despite the fact that I do not earn enough money to pay rent.

Monday, November 25, 2013


I do not blame dark people who bleach their skin. Who wants to be a part of an ethnic group that refuses to grow up no matter what trauma is put upon it. When a dark child is killed or kidnapped we beg the people hurting them to stop. We never try to protect our children. When merchants treat us like the trash they throw behind their stores we never try to create a system of commerce that treats us better. The skin bleachers are trying to get away from us so that they will not have to struggle, but the mistake they make is rejecting their relationship to the sun. The sun is a great star and does many things for us. It helps us produce vitamin D and even helps to reduce blood pressure. If anyone needs help with their blood pressure it is dark people. When the sun helps me to produce melanin that turns my skin two shades darker it is doing me a favor. I know this because other people pay thousands of dollars to darken their skin. All of you skin bleachers are correct for wanting to escape, but you would do better to stay and try to drag other dark people into sanity. Trust me, you will never be bored.


The day that this society decided to accept the explanation given for the assassination of President Kennedy is the day that we became a society of unreality. When I look at the act of the assassination and all of the acts around it I know that Kennedy was not killed by a lone gun man from some window. Think about what this society has swallowed. A radical communist was allowed to travel to and from the Soviet Union, now Russia, during the McCarthy era when passports were taken from anyone attended one meeting of an organization that leaned left. We also accept that this guy had money to travel and buy guns when he barely held down a job. This society also accepted that the lone gun man was able to get a job at the building over seeing the president's ride route in Dallas and be allowed to stay in that building with his sketchy record. You also accepted that the president would volunteer to ride unprotected when the country was coming apart over racial issues and war. This is all background information and it is flawed. I have not even mentioned the science of bullets, angles, or entry/exit wounds. I guess that there is no scary institution out there accountable to no one. I am a member of a people who are under the control of these shadowy organizations so I cannot make such a leap into delusion.


We are approaching Thanksgiving. I will not go over all of the lies we have been told about the holiday concerning copper colored peoples and pilgrims. That is old hat. I am more concerned with the behavior of modern day celebrants. They will sit around a table full of food and bless it before eating. People will block out the fact that they had to work for a system fueled by their destruction. People will be thankful for their health and block out the fact that most of them are not healthy at all. People will be thankful for life and block out the fact that they are slaves to routines set upon them by corporate masters, not living. People have the right to be block heads I suppose. I am thankful that I can fight for reality with so little support.


Anyone who thinks is trying to find ways to heal this planet. We have done so much to destroy this place that was kind enough to allow us access to its better parts. It is quite easy to heal the planet, We could stop pretending that we own the land and space was here before we existed. We could also stop charging people fees to live on this naturally free space. We could stop holding the lie that only certain people can learn and grow wise. We can let everyone learn what ever they want, when ever they want. We could stop giving control of almost all of the resources to those who produce the least and giving poverty to those who produce the most.We could make decisions or our communities with the community itself and not by outsiders miles away. Healing the planet is easy. It is difficult to find the courage to exert the will.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Deblasio Has Same Chance As Other Mayors

Bill Deblasio is the Mayor of New York City. He won an election where only 24% of the registered voters bothered to vote. Most of us do not vote because we know that the elections are scams. I like to vote because I like to see the illusion and all of those people who believe in the illusion up close. Deblasio will have the same chance as every other mayor. That is to govern with the highest principles or the lowest principles. If Deblasio wants to try high principles for a change he will open up the public housing units that are empty. He will also open up space for us to sell our goods for small rental fees. Deblasio can encourage communities to police themselves by giving them the necessary equipment. Deblasio will probably just go along to get along, crawling across the low principles. NYPD will continue to kill who ever they want, homeless populations will rise, and poverty will spread further. As for my community, maybe Dante's Afro is a signal for a new black power movement. Do not fear because my people have given up the ability to read signals years ago.   

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Vision Of A Reality Dweller

The more I awaken to the reality of existence the clearer my vision becomes. I move beyond such concepts as race and nationality. I notice souls, spirits, and human beings. Souls operate in principle. Some operate in low principles like injustice, indifference, inequality, etc. Other souls operate in high principles such as justice, empathy, equality, etc. All souls are brilliant and apply principle on every thing at every turn. Spirits are here aspiring to be souls. Spirits are more difficult to deal with because they can flow from peace to rage quickly. Souls have to be careful how we interact with spirits. Sometimes it is best to leave spirits alone altogether. Human beings are more concerned with day to day activities. They find the mundane satisfying. Human beings are easily manipulated to behave one way or the other all depending on who gives them the better reward. Human beings are driven by mostly two things, shelter and food. The best aspect of the cosmos is that we can all ascend. Spirit can become souls and souls can return to cosmos or dark energy. It is hard for human beings to ascend because in to order to ascend we have to give up all that we are so that we can enter the larger field of energy. Human beings find it extremely difficult to give up creature comforts, but it is not impossible, nothing is impossible. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The 1st Semester of the Freedman School

I created the Freedman School about one month ago. this is going to be an alternative school that gives people lessons on books. I also provide reviews of movies, music, and books in order to help guide people toward more thoughtful works of art. I will give definitions to important words and concepts. I will also explain works of literature that I have written. Each semester will be free and the previous semester's course note will be for sale for a small amount of money. These course notes will be instantly downloadable at I have been doing this kind of work for 5 years, but I am bringing the work together on one page. The Freedman School is an alternative to the current school system that refuses to teach us how to think critically. Of course people are free to use this school any way that they want.

Monday, November 4, 2013

American Healthcare (Digital Collage)

In This Country Health Care Means Medication Of Some Kind. Once On Medication You can Never come Off Of It.