Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Review Of Blink By Malcolm Blackwell

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is a book about where our decisions come from. If you are enlightened you may be in tuned with your sub conscious mind. We all know that the number of people that fit into this category is tiny. Most of the people existing react to situations or follow orders. Almost everyone you come across makes decisions based on gut instincts or faulty learning systems. Blink shows how this form of decision making leads to tragic events. Some people have been taught to think a certain way about other people, places, and things. When the misled come in contact with people, places and things that they were ill informed about, it usually ends badly.  Gladwell points out that solving this problem is not as easy as punishing the person who commits deadly acts based on ignorance because we are not in control of our educational systems until late in our lives. Even as adults we are forced to go along with certain systems in order to maintain food, clothing and shelter. As the systems have broken down now is a good time to create better systems. Read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell to see how to create real educational systems.

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