Friday, May 9, 2014

A New Constitution

We the citizens of New Nation are bound by laws of nature, whether from the simple sciences or metaphysics, to maintain the highest levels of humanity in ourselves as well as each other. No member of our community shall be deprived of those things that are essential to life and the pursuit of Enlightenment.
* Persons become citizens of New Nation by registering with the National Office of Records or being born to such citizens as mentioned. When children reach the age of 18 years, they are to register as independent citizens. Every citizen receives identification numbers that are used to function when dealing with the legal systems and organizations of New Nation.
* New Nation will be governed by two main bodies.  The National Council of Policies consists of members representing local territories or counties. This body consists of ten percent of the citizens of our nation. These representatives will divide themselves into parties based on the political philosophies of their constituents. From this body will come the primary minister, chosen from the party with the largest number of members, and the deputy minister chosen from the party with the second largest number of members. The two ministers are to work together as officials that speak to the people as well as for the people on the world stage. The primary deputy is responsible for choosing the necessary staff and/or sub-ministers.
*The Council of Laws is dedicated to understanding the laws in order to dispense justice to all citizens of New Nation. The members of this body serve as judges to grant fair decisions in disputes between citizens with each other and citizens with the government. All members of the Council of Laws must have a scholarly knowledge of at least one political philosophy, one spiritual philosophy, and one scientific principle. Local judges are to defer to the Grand Committee in cases that are unresolved. The Grand Committee is made up of 13 of the best judges as elected by their peers. The members of both councils are voted in by the citizens of New Nation.
* All citizens will be educated as much as humanly possible to their fullest potential. Intellectual standards are measured on a national scale in comparison to the most enlightened societies of the present as well as the past.
* Private business is encouraged to operate within our borders. Industry is allowed to grow as much as a leader can make provided it not break any regulations deemed fit by the people of the community where such industry is located and the leaders of the enterprise not earn more than 20 times the least paid person of said enterprise.
* In terms of livestock and farming no farm shall be more than 20 times the home built upon said land.
* Amendments to this constitution are only legal if voted upon by two thirds of the citizens of New Nation.
* All ballots in national elections have a list of representatives beside blank boxes. The blank boxes are to be marked with an x.
* Campaigns should only last ten months. They should start the January of the year that the incumbent’s term is up for renewal.
* We are pluralistic in terms of belief as well as non-belief. All rituals are to be deemed acceptable by localities. Once the majority of a local district or county decides upon the acceptability of a ritual or practice, all parties must accept such decisions.
* All public infrastructures such as bridges, levies and federal buildings will be inspected and maintained annually.

* Citizens will decide the general areas by which their taxes shall be spent by checking a list order of personal importance at the beginning of each year. The list consists of: National Defense, Education, *Environmentalism, Health Care, Housing, Foreign Aid, etc.

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