Wednesday, May 28, 2014

POTUS 2016 Homelessness Issue

We have a large homeless issue in this empire. In New York City we have anywhere from 60, 000 to 120, 000 people living on the streets of our city. The president should buy land in the counties with the largest homeless populations. They should then put the safest trailers available or use the shipping containers that are taking up space on our ports to house people. If you put a divider into a shipping container it could create two units per container. each unit is enough to fit at least two beds and containers or trunks for clothes. If we had something like that we could get off of our friends sofas. Homeless people could always use public bathrooms as long as they are respectful of those facilities. The homeless can create communities that provide for the society instead of moving through the society spending all of their time trying to survive. Imagine the artists, builders and small farmers that you would see sprout up.

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