Monday, June 2, 2014

POTUS 2016 Foreign Policy

The next president is going to have to completely shift the empires foreign policy. We can no longer operate in the world with the mind set that every other country has to bend toward our will or serve our needs. Even the smallest nation with the tiniest rebel group can disrupt any project that we run on their soil. Modern technology has  reached the point where a lot of power can be held by few persons for little money. The United States will learn to live in the world with the world or the U. S. will cease to be. Another part of foreign policy is how we interact with the natural world. The U. S. has seen its last days of pillaging the world and leave destruction behind. The planet is giving us warnings. I personally have no problem with ceasing to be, but I would like for the brilliant young souls to get their chance to experience life in their allotted time. This will be difficult, but the next president will not have a choice. Obama once said that this empire is like a tanker and has to be turned slowly. He has not even slightly slanted the empire in the right direction, so the next president will have to make a hard turn or their presidency will be worthless. The empire will officially break into at least 50 pieces.

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