Thursday, October 30, 2014

What Lincoln Should Have Done

It is always easy to look at an event from a different time and criticize it, but I am surprised that Abraham Lincoln did not do the obvious to avoid the U. S. Civil War. Lincoln should have had meetings with leaders of the southern states alone without any slaves. He could have simply told them that he had proof that once he ended legal slavery the dark people would remain mentally enslaved. Lincoln could have convinced southern leaders that slaves would continue to work for plantations. He could have told them that paying their slaves a small wage would be a bargain because masters would no longer be responsible for slaves' food, clothing , and shelter. Once the economist of the south had run the numbers, they would have had to advise the southern leaders to go along with Lincoln. We would have lost less lives and many dark people would have had the chance to be free. Most of us would have remained in the system that we had known for generations, while the more courageous would have developed and maintained real communities. I would have a physical place to fit into with this body. Abraham Lincoln would be great for different reasons. Donate And Get A Gift 

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