Friday, October 23, 2015

Break Up By Tim Conerson (2014)

We had good years together
Now we drifted apart
My art could not sustain me
And high rents broke our hearts

Let's separate on good terms
I'll pack my things to leave
No need to scream and shout
Or make each other bleed

Love is still here between us
But love has no value no more
Not in this world of dollars
Our hearts no longer soar

Let's separate on good terms
I'll pack my things to leave
No need to scream and shout
Or make each other bleed

We talk and talk and talk more
We hug and kiss and care
But it makes no difference
'Cause our hearts are rubbed bare

Let's separate on good terms
I'll pack my things to leave
No need to scream and shout
Or make each other bleed

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