Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Driving The Body

Once I knew I was energy animating this body, I became responsible about how I drive this body. I am in a black male body, so I am under constant attack by everyone. I have to get through the attacks from other black people. Many of them are layered in mental illness. I also have to convince other ethnic groups that I am not layered in the same mental illnesses as my physical brothers and sisters. I have to convince other ethnic people each time I see them because I could slip into the mental illness gang at any time. The more I grow as a non physical being, the more restrictions are put on my physical self. Black men are only seen as brutes, servants, or comic relief. I fit into none of these categories, so I am out here - free. Freedom is good for me, but physical bodies need groups to accomplish large actions. So I spend time trying to convince others that their real selves, animating energy, should be the driving force for all of their decisions. It is a hard sell, but what else can I do? I will eventually achieve ultimate freedom by leaving this body and that is when all will be completely well. KEEP THINKING!  

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