Friday, October 2, 2015

School Shooting In Oregon

Another school shooting has taken place. President Obama gave another speech about gun laws. We will ignore all of it again because we know that you cannot blame an object for what the person does with the object. The only thing that will save this empire is a shift in consciousness. We need to go from a plantation psychology to a village psychology. On this plantation only the slaves who produce wealth and the masters who control wealth matter. Everyone between has to keep the slaves down and the masters up. This way of being allows some to be brutal to others and brutality spreads throughout a society. Once brutality spreads many people began to think that it does not matter if I shoot you or you stab me. We need a village mind. This means that everyone in the empire is allowed to develop as far as they want. Villages includes everyone in their social visions of the present and for the future. We can stop these violent acts with a shift in consciousness, but we will not. Instead we will have another national debate about guns until the next shooting...DONATE 

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