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Friday, May 30, 2014
POTUS 2016 Real Education
This empire does not have an education problem because almost none of the people are being educated at all. The problem is with school systems that are obsolete. In the internet age we are still trying to fund the middle class by opening up the doors to large schools every day. We are also conditioning children for a society that died years ago. Pouring money into the national school system is not going to bring it back to life. The next president is going to have to fund websites and video channels that provide the most information. With Youtube all the parents have to do is support good channels and the producers will get their cut of funds. This way we can privatize real education without destroying educators. The next president should also support a system of assessment that replace standardized tests. Students should have to stand before a group made up of educators and parental advocates to present knowledge of subjects that the student studied. This is the only way to know if the youth are really educated. I am an educator and I have been doing this for 6 years now and we are going to replace the old system. It does not make sense for the state to spend resources fighting a losing battle when so much else needs to be done.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
POTUS 2016 Feeding The Masses
The next president will be inheriting an empire that is hungry and starving. Those who were going hungry before the economic depression are starving. Those who were barely eating are now going hungry. It is not just people of color going without food, even those in the middle classed areas are going hungry. Some of those people are growing their own food, but not everyone is that sophisticated. The next president should make everyone eligible for food stamps for two years. This is one way to feed the masses of the people without having to spend any money. After two years the government can decide if they want to renew the program for everyone for any period of time. The longer the masses go without eating the more obvious it becomes that the empire is dead. This food stamp for all program will buy the president some time until it can rebuild a new empire or nation.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
POTUS 2016 Homelessness Issue
We have a large homeless issue in this empire. In New York City we have anywhere from 60, 000 to 120, 000 people living on the streets of our city. The president should buy land in the counties with the largest homeless populations. They should then put the safest trailers available or use the shipping containers that are taking up space on our ports to house people. If you put a divider into a shipping container it could create two units per container. each unit is enough to fit at least two beds and containers or trunks for clothes. If we had something like that we could get off of our friends sofas. Homeless people could always use public bathrooms as long as they are respectful of those facilities. The homeless can create communities that provide for the society instead of moving through the society spending all of their time trying to survive. Imagine the artists, builders and small farmers that you would see sprout up.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
POTUS 2016 Campaign Launch
I am launching a campaign for the presidency of the United States. I will be sharing policy ideas for anyone who wants to direct the empire in a proper direction. Most of the people who run for president want to be in the top spot or go down in history for being president. This is why when people become president they do nothing for the empire. Once these ego maniacs win they have done all that they desire. I have policies on economics, homelessness, war, residency, education, etc. My time is short so I would like to help a politician actually do something that helps someone. we will see if there are people with the courage to implement policies that reflect higher principles in physical form.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Literature Study List # 5
Share your thoughts on the following works of literature:
Madame Bovary. Gustave Flaubert
Haroun and the Sea Stories. Salman Rushdie
The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dictionary of Psychology. J. P. Chaplin
Social Psychology. Smith & Mackie
From Superman to Man. J. A. Rogers
The Five Dialouges. Plato
Exploring the Unexplained. Kelly Knauer
The Angry Book. Theodore Rubin
Gods and Goddesses. Michael Jordan
Madame Bovary. Gustave Flaubert
Haroun and the Sea Stories. Salman Rushdie
The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dictionary of Psychology. J. P. Chaplin
Social Psychology. Smith & Mackie
From Superman to Man. J. A. Rogers
The Five Dialouges. Plato
Exploring the Unexplained. Kelly Knauer
The Angry Book. Theodore Rubin
Gods and Goddesses. Michael Jordan
Friday, May 23, 2014
Literature Study List # 4
Share your thoughts on the following works of literature:
Stolen Legacy. George G. M. James
On The Road. Jack Karouac
Red Badge of Courage. Stephen Crane
Black Presence in the American Revolution 1770-1800. Sidney Kaplan
An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. Henry Weincek
Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization Vol. 1. Anthony T. Browder
Ideas and Opinions. Albert Einstein
Lost Christianities. Bart Ehrman
Dictionary of Theories. Jennifer Bothamley
Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe
Stolen Legacy. George G. M. James
On The Road. Jack Karouac
Red Badge of Courage. Stephen Crane
Black Presence in the American Revolution 1770-1800. Sidney Kaplan
An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America. Henry Weincek
Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization Vol. 1. Anthony T. Browder
Ideas and Opinions. Albert Einstein
Lost Christianities. Bart Ehrman
Dictionary of Theories. Jennifer Bothamley
Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Music Study List # 3
Share your thoughts about the following music:
The Education of Lauryn Hill
Pop the Trunk. Yelawulf
New Beginning. Tracy Chapman
My Home Town. Bruce Springsteen
One More. Jimmy Cliff
Every Body Wants To Know Why I Sing The Blues. BB King
Love's Gonna Get You. KRS 1
The Education of Lauryn Hill
Pop the Trunk. Yelawulf
New Beginning. Tracy Chapman
My Home Town. Bruce Springsteen
One More. Jimmy Cliff
Every Body Wants To Know Why I Sing The Blues. BB King
Love's Gonna Get You. KRS 1
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Literature Study List # 3
Share your thoughts about the following works of literature:
Native Son. Richard Wright
The Catcher in the Rye. J. D. Salinger
Kemet, Afrocentricity and Knowledge. Molefi K. Asante
Up From Slavery. Booker T. Washington
Apology. Plato
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain
Beloved. Toni Morrison
Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe
Man is Not Alone. Abraham Joshua Heschel
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Native Son. Richard Wright
The Catcher in the Rye. J. D. Salinger
Kemet, Afrocentricity and Knowledge. Molefi K. Asante
Up From Slavery. Booker T. Washington
Apology. Plato
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain
Beloved. Toni Morrison
Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe
Man is Not Alone. Abraham Joshua Heschel
Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Visual Media Study List # 3
Share your thoughts about the following works of visual media:
Waking Life. Richard Linklater
District 9. Neill Blomkamp
Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Michael Bay
As Good As It Gets. James L. Brooks
Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont
I Am Legend. Francis Lawrence
The Break-Up. Peyton Reed
Legend of the Guardian: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Zack Snyder
The Hurricane. Norman Jewison
War Dance. Sean Fine, Andrea Nix
Waking Life. Richard Linklater
District 9. Neill Blomkamp
Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Michael Bay
As Good As It Gets. James L. Brooks
Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont
I Am Legend. Francis Lawrence
The Break-Up. Peyton Reed
Legend of the Guardian: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Zack Snyder
The Hurricane. Norman Jewison
War Dance. Sean Fine, Andrea Nix
Monday, May 19, 2014
Literature Study List # 2
Share your thoughts of the following works of literature:
Quantum Enigma. Rosenblum and Kuttner
Before The Mayflower. Lerone Bennet Jr.
Slaughterhouse 5. Kurt Vonnegut
Non-Cooperstion. Gandhi
Willie Lynch Letter
Custer Died For Your Sins. Vine Deloria Jr.
Somebody Blew Up America. Amiri Baraka
21st Century Slave Narrative. Timothy Conerson
Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka
Brave New World. Aldus Huxley
Quantum Enigma. Rosenblum and Kuttner
Before The Mayflower. Lerone Bennet Jr.
Slaughterhouse 5. Kurt Vonnegut
Non-Cooperstion. Gandhi
Willie Lynch Letter
Custer Died For Your Sins. Vine Deloria Jr.
Somebody Blew Up America. Amiri Baraka
21st Century Slave Narrative. Timothy Conerson
Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka
Brave New World. Aldus Huxley
Friday, May 16, 2014
Visual Media Study List # 2
Share your thoughts on the following visual media:
Crash. Paul Haggis
The Green Lantern Animated Series
The Wiz. Sidney Lumet
Sicko. Michael Moore
Planet of the Apes: Rise of the Apes. Rupert Wyatt
The Wire Television Series
Crash. Paul Haggis
The Green Lantern Animated Series
The Wiz. Sidney Lumet
Sicko. Michael Moore
Planet of the Apes: Rise of the Apes. Rupert Wyatt
The Wire Television Series
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Music Study List # 2
Share Your Thoughts On The Following Music:
3 feet High And Rising. De La Soul
Penitentiary. Citizen Cope
What Its Like. Whitey Ford
What's Going On. Marvin Gaye
Strange Fruit. Billie Holiday
Summer Time. Ella Fitzgerald
Things Done Change. Notorious BIG
Hail Mary. Tu Pac Shakur
Slavery Days. Burning Spear
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Mozart
3 feet High And Rising. De La Soul
Penitentiary. Citizen Cope
What Its Like. Whitey Ford
What's Going On. Marvin Gaye
Strange Fruit. Billie Holiday
Summer Time. Ella Fitzgerald
Things Done Change. Notorious BIG
Hail Mary. Tu Pac Shakur
Slavery Days. Burning Spear
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Mozart
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Literature Study List # 1
Share your thoughts on the following written works:
1984. George Orwell
Metu Neter Vol. 1. Ra Un Neter Amen
Theme Of English B. Langston Hughes
Barn Burning. William Faulkner
Black Elk Speaks
Titus. William Shakespeare
Man In My Basement. Walter Mosley
London. William Blake
Autobiography of Frederick Douglass
Song Of Solomon. Toni Morrison
1984. George Orwell
Metu Neter Vol. 1. Ra Un Neter Amen
Theme Of English B. Langston Hughes
Barn Burning. William Faulkner
Black Elk Speaks
Titus. William Shakespeare
Man In My Basement. Walter Mosley
London. William Blake
Autobiography of Frederick Douglass
Song Of Solomon. Toni Morrison
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Visual Media Study List #1
Share your thoughts about the following visual media:
Cloud Atlas. Tom Tykwer...
Apocalypse Now. Francis Ford Coppola
12 Years A Slave. Steve McQueen
The Matrix. Wachowski Brothers
Malcolm X. Spike Lee
Amistad. Steven Spielberg
Let The Fire Burn. Jason Osder
Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Peter Jackson
Cloud Atlas. Tom Tykwer...
Apocalypse Now. Francis Ford Coppola
12 Years A Slave. Steve McQueen
The Matrix. Wachowski Brothers
Malcolm X. Spike Lee
Amistad. Steven Spielberg
Let The Fire Burn. Jason Osder
Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Peter Jackson
Monday, May 12, 2014
Music Study List # 1
Share your thoughts about the following music:
Love Supreme. John Coltrane
Any Love. Luther Vandross
Ghost Song. The Doors
Can't Trust It. Public Enemy
Tin Man. Tracy Chapman
Nothing Man. Pearl Man
As You Are. Nirvana
Try. Pink
Like A Prayer. Madonna
C. R. E. A. M. Wu Tang Clan
Friday, May 9, 2014
A New Constitution
We the citizens of New Nation are bound by laws of nature,
whether from the simple sciences or metaphysics, to maintain the highest levels
of humanity in ourselves as well as each other. No member of our community
shall be deprived of those things that are essential to life and the pursuit of
* Persons become citizens of New Nation by registering with
the National Office of Records or being born to such citizens as mentioned.
When children reach the age of 18 years, they are to register as independent
citizens. Every citizen receives identification numbers that are used to
function when dealing with the legal systems and organizations of New Nation.
* New Nation will be governed by two main bodies. The National Council of Policies consists of
members representing local territories or counties. This body consists of ten
percent of the citizens of our nation. These representatives will divide
themselves into parties based on the political philosophies of their
constituents. From this body will come the primary minister, chosen from the
party with the largest number of members, and the deputy minister chosen from
the party with the second largest number of members. The two ministers are to
work together as officials that speak to the people as well as for the people
on the world stage. The primary deputy is responsible for choosing the
necessary staff and/or sub-ministers.
*The Council of Laws is dedicated to understanding the laws
in order to dispense justice to all citizens of New Nation. The members of this
body serve as judges to grant fair decisions in disputes between citizens with
each other and citizens with the government. All members of the Council of Laws
must have a scholarly knowledge of at least one political philosophy, one
spiritual philosophy, and one scientific principle. Local judges are to defer
to the Grand Committee in cases that are unresolved. The Grand Committee is
made up of 13 of the best judges as elected by their peers. The members of both
councils are voted in by the citizens of New Nation.
* All citizens will be educated as much as humanly possible
to their fullest potential. Intellectual standards are measured on a national
scale in comparison to the most enlightened societies of the present as well as
the past.
* Private business is encouraged to operate within our
borders. Industry is allowed to grow as much as a leader can make provided it
not break any regulations deemed fit by the people of the community where such
industry is located and the leaders of the enterprise not earn more than 20
times the least paid person of said enterprise.
* In terms of livestock and farming no farm shall be more
than 20 times the home built upon said land.
* Amendments to this constitution are only legal if voted
upon by two thirds of the citizens of New Nation.
* All ballots in national elections have a list of
representatives beside blank boxes. The blank boxes are to be marked with an x.
* Campaigns should only last ten months. They should start
the January of the year that the incumbent’s term is up for renewal.
* We are pluralistic in terms of belief as well as
non-belief. All rituals are to be deemed acceptable by localities. Once the
majority of a local district or county decides upon the acceptability of a
ritual or practice, all parties must accept such decisions.
* All public infrastructures such as bridges, levies and
federal buildings will be inspected and maintained annually.
* Citizens will decide the general areas by which their
taxes shall be spent by checking a list order of personal importance at the
beginning of each year. The list consists of: National Defense, Education,
*Environmentalism, Health Care, Housing, Foreign Aid, etc.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
How Obama Made History
We all know that President Obama made history by being the first dark person to be placed as the head of the United States, but he also made history in another way. Obama was the first U. S. president not to have a slave plan. All other presidents had a plan for the slaves of the empire. We are a special population. We are still slaves for the most part, especially since social integration. We have no control over any institutions so we have no control over our lives as an ethnic group. Even Obama has been ignored by members of his cabinet and Congress. He seems to think that because he is dark that he can leave the rest of us to languish. This decision by Obama has left dark people in the worse conditions they have ever been in since Europeans developed this empire. We are the largest community living in third world conditions. We suffer historic devastation day by day. Obama does not care about this part of his legacy because most of us do not care either. Most dark people are literally loving Obama to death. When historians look back at this time I hope that they note how Obama turned his back on the slave community he claims to be from.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Happy Mothers Days
It is a strange tradition to celebrate a behavior that should be natural, but since my mother was the only parent to stick around I will say Happy Mothers Days to all of you mothers. We celebrate all of you who have made sure that your children are psychologically developed. We celebrate the mothers that make sure their children get healthy food to eat. We celebrate mothers who work with fathers to provide the first community for their children. We celebrate mothers who have children with men of high character and not just because he is cute with muscles. We celebrate mothers who sustain strong communities with their feminine power so that young adults can be good parents too. It brings me great joy to wish a Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers who are doing the types of things that I mentioned.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Preparing For The Next Economic Collapse
The truth is that the economic system is a sham being held together by your hard work. Hard work is not enough to make a dead thing alive, so there will be another official economic collapse. this blog is not to scare or depress you. I have seen wonderful systems rising up. Community gardens are springing up all over the place. I also see people growing in their personal space. A family down the street is growing corn in their side yard. People are starting businesses from their homes and selling to their friends and family. I was taught how to lay vinyl as well as linoleum floors. I am currently learning computer programming. I have even seen communities developing waste management systems. When a system is dead the revolutionary thing to do is create a new system. I have made a system of study for those struggling in the destructive education system. If you stand in the rubble of a crumbled system expecting results you are insane. When the next economic collapse happens some communities will continue to function because they are running their own systems. You can do the same thing.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Review Of Green Lantern Animated Series
I watch cartoons and I am not ashamed to admit it. The Green Lantern Animated Series is the reason why someone who thinks as much as I do can admit to watching cartoons. Green Lantern is one of the most sophisticated works that I have ever watched. This series introduces all kinds of Lanterns. Each Lantern represents a different principle. We know that Green Lanterns work for the council which chose logic without emotion. The Pink Lanterns chose love. The Red Lanterns chose emotion, particularly rage. The Orange Lantern was pure power. Of course my favorite were the Blue Lanterns that chose consciousness. If you watch Green Lantern with your child you can teach them about the principles which drives us. This series also deals with when artificial intelligence becomes sentient. This is a question that we will have to answer sooner than you think.You can laugh at me for being so excited about a cartoon. I just ask that you watch the first 5 episodes of Green Lantern Animated Series.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Eminem Is A Rap God
Eminem claims to be a rap god. After listening to Eminem's latest work I have to agree with his assessment of himself. The music is good and the lyrics make you think. As a dark man from the hip-hop generation I never had a problem with Eminem's success as a rapper. I always thought that he was clever and thoughtful. I like to think. I also enjoyed the fact that Eminem loved our culture. It is sad that he loves our culture more than we do. Your typical dark rapper pimps the music out for money. Dark rappers continue to use their art form as cash cows even when they are wealthy. Some of these boy/men are worth 500 million dollars or more and they still are not putting out work anywhere near the quality of Eminem's work. Listening to Eminem express his power I also thought about how this affects young dark boys. Today they have to worship gods who do not look like them everywhere. Hip-Hop was the last place where a little dark boy could see heroes that looked like them. Now the dark children have to worship others at every aspect of their lives.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
De Blasio Makes Deal With City Teachers
I heard that Mayor De Blasio has made a deal with the public school teachers for a new contract. This new contract will not improve the literacy of the children who attend these schools. The new contract will not improve the thinking skills of students or teachers who are forced to engage in this system of confusion at best, mental rape at worst. The teachers will be happy with this new contract because they get more money and stability. the union will be happy because they get new members. The teachers raises will be used to pay union dues. the Mayor will be happy because he can say that he knows how to work with public employees. The mayor's children went to public specialty schools that most of your children could never get into. Your children will be happy, but only because they are conditioned into stupidity so that they do not know how much damage the system is doing to them. Parents do not care one way or the other. For the most part parents just want a place to drop off their children while they work.
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